

I think I’ll stop…

I think I’ll stop biting my nails, for makes my fingers look hideous and such
someone that’s dear to me doesn’t like it very much.

I think I’ll stop judging people. I know not their struggles or pains
and in the end we’re all just humans the same.

I think I’ll stop acting like my life is tragic, because I have the luxury to be lethargic.

I think I’ll stop eating so unhealthy. If my body could scream it would be in fat
and I would end up in the emergency room repeatedly hearing the word “stat.”

I think I’ll stop being so friendly. Connections are great in necessary times
but not everyone you meet will have a light that shines.

I think I’ll stop loving so hard. I want to show my affection and exceed peoples predilections
but if the person isn’t ready it’ll ruin the connection.

I think I’ll stop thinking so much. My mind rages fierce like blazing fire
and it needs to calm down and cease balancing on wires.

I would like to stop being petty. Although small things matter they shouldn’t strike a nerve
they should be small rewards with a small purpose to serve.

I think I’ll stop hurting my heart. Though strong it maybe my heart still keeps me alive
and with the amount of pain I cause it, I doubt it will survive.

I think I’ll stop…
I want to stop…
I will…

Published by Kress

I, my people, am just a young man trying to find the proper shoes to wear on his journey through life. I am a published poet and an accomplished friend, or so I've heard. I've graduated college and I'm now searching for where I belong, what I'm meant to do. I live where you would probably vacation... I'll let you sort that out on your own. Anyway, I'm no one special. Just a cool individual.

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